Gebührenvorlagen - Buchungs- (täglich) und Zimmertyp-Vorlagen für automatische Gebühren

Geändert am: Mi, 26 Jun, 2024 um 1:25 NACHMITTAGS


Booking (Daily) Charge Templates

You have the option to 'attach' certain Charge Templates (usually your most popular extra services/items) to the booking creation/editing screen. By doing this, you will save time for your staff as they won't need to go to the folio/posting screen, rather they can add them while they are creating a booking.

To select and 'attach' Charge Templates to the booking screen, navigate to menu Settings->All Settings->Charge Templates-> click the 'Booking charge templates' tab and select the ones you wish to attach and if that item/service will be set 'per day' by default.

Room Type Auto-Charge Templates

With this feature, you can set and automate the one-time or daily posting of given charges depending on the booked room type. This feature is extremely useful if you have units (room types) for which you charge an e.g. one time cleaning fee, as whenever a booking is created for that room type, the cleaning fee will be automatically posted. 

To set up the auto-charge templates, navigate to menu Settings-> All Settings-> Charge Templates-> click the 'Room type auto-charge templates' tab. From there, click the room type/s for which you want to add an auto-charge template, select the template to be used and if it will be posted per day.

Now depending on the room type of the created booking, the selected charge templates are automatically added to the Daily Charges section of the booking.


  • Room type auto-charge templates are not visible on the new booking screen. These charges will be automatically added AFTER saving the booking.
  • You can easily remove any of these templates from the booking folio at a later stage by simply unticking its checkbox in the Daily Charges section.
  • 'Room type auto-charge templates' are automatically posted regardless of the booking source: BookDirect (WRS), Channel manager, through a booking enquiry, manually created, file import or from the API.
  • On the BookDirect (WRS), the price of this charge template will be added on the final step of the booking process.

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