Content customisation

Modified on: Tue, 21 May, 2024 at 8:24 AM


Languages & Description/Translations

Apart from images and the general design of the WRS, the text content is also hugely important so that guests make informed decisions and are aware of all terms and conditions.

Navigate to section Web-> BookDirect settings-> section 'Languages & Descriptions/Translations', to see the various elements for which content needs to be created.

  • Languages (1) - when you click on this link, you will be redirected, to the Languages section of the Settings which is also accessible through Settings->All Settings->Content->Languages from where you can add different languages to be offered on the BookDirect. Guests will be able to choose in which language they want to use the BookDirect. This language will be attached to the guest profile and any emails from the Guest Mailer will be sent in that language (as long as you have an email template in that language).
  • Common translations (2) - The Common translations menu is your 'hub' or 'control center' for your text content (excluding emails).
  • Default language (3) - in case you use multiple languages, select which one will be the default one - the one in which the WRS will open initially.
  • App translations (4) - you will be redirected to the app translation hub from where you can change the labels and default texts on the BookDirect or translate them for other languages.

Descriptions to add

When you navigate to the Common Translations menu you can add the descriptions for the most important elements visible to the guests. Click on the edit button under the language to which you want to add the text:

  • Rates - navigate to section 'Rate Description/Translation'. You can add a description for each rate to provide more information e.g. what does the rate include, does city tax apply, etc. Furthermore, you can also add a 'Display name' of the rate. This allows you to use codes internally, while guests see a proper name. For example, your rate can be called 'HB' internally, but guests will see 'Half board'.

  • Room Types - navigate to section 'Room Type Description/Translation'. Similar to the above, you can enter a description of the room type (how big it is, what amenities are available, etc.) and a display name (DBL->Double Room).
  • Charge templates - navigate to section 'Charge Template Description/Translation'. Similar to the above, you can enter a description and display name for charge templates which you offer as an extra service to purchase on the WRS.
  • Guarantee options - navigate to section 'Guarantee Option Description/Translation'. Similar to the above, you can enter a description and display name for your various guarantee options. Description of the guarantee option is hugely important as it not only outlines the guarantee conditions for the selected rate - should the guest provide credit card details; should they make payment at the time of booking and how much, etc - but also, it should outline the cancellation conditions for this rate. Both the guarantee and cancellation conditions are information that the guest should be clearly informed about, hence the importance of adding these descriptions.
  • Without guarantee - a description when a booking is made on a rate that does not require any guarantee
  • Hotel Policy - navigate to section 'Booking confirmation - Hotel policy' to enter the Hotel policy (your Terms and Conditions). This section is immensely important as it should outline all of your terms and conditions applicable to all guests regardless of the booked rate - for example, check-in and check-out times; front desk working hours; pet policy; smoking policy; and many more.

Where on the Web Reservation System are these descriptions visualised?

Room type descriptions

Guests can see the room type descriptions already on step 2 'Rooms' of the BookDirect. They will need to click the arrow so that the description collapses.

Rate descriptions

These are visible on step 3 'Rates' of the BookDirect. Again, the arrow needs to be clicked for the full text to visualize. 

Charge template descriptions

These are visible on step 4 'Extras' of the BookDirect.

Guarantee option/Without Guarantee

These are visible on step 5 'Checkout' of the BookDirect.

Hotel policy

It is also visible on step 5 'Checkout' of the BookDirect.

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