KYC screening of your website - Requirements

Modified on: Tue, 21 May, 2024 at 10:20 AM


Website and app requirements

In order to process online transactions through BookDirect, there are strict requirements about content that must be clearly visible on your website or BookDirect.

Terms and conditions

The terms and conditions can be broken down into two parts:

  • Your general terms and conditions - check-in; check-out times; accepted payment methods; children/pet/smoking policies; liability; other policies and information your guests need to know (or you are legally required to inform them about). These will be visible on the last step of the BookDirect booking process.

Note: Add these terms and conditions in menu Settings-> All Settings-> Content-> Common translations-> Booking Confirmation - Hotel policy.

  • Your guarantee policy description - this is extremely important as it will describe what guests need to do in order to complete and guarantee their booking. It should include what you require in order to complete the booking - only CC details; Full-prepayment; Partial pre-payment and for what amount; when the remaining balance needs to be settled, etc. It should also include a description of the cancellation policy - is it refundable or non-refundable? If refundable, until when can guests cancel free of charge; what is the fee for late cancellation, etc.

Note: Add these descriptions for each Guarantee option you have from the menu Settings-> All Settings-> Content-> Common translations-> Guarantee option description/Translation.

Both the Guarantee policy and Terms and conditions will be visible on the last step of the booking process and guests must agree to them in order to finalize the booking.

Privacy policy

The privacy policy must describe:

  • What data you are storing.
  • What data you are sharing with third parties.
  • Your cookie policy.

Note: Consult with your web designer to include a privacy policy on your website.

Refund policy

The refund policy must explain:

  • If the shopper can get their money back for a product or service they bought from you.
  • The ways in which the shopper can return the product or cancel the service.
  • The process of returning a product or cancelling the service.

Note: This is the description of your cancellation policy. Make sure you add it to your Guarantee policy description in the menu Settings-> All Settings-> Content-> Common translations-> Guarantee option Description/Translation.

Contact information

Shoppers must be able to contact you if they have questions, so the contact information shown on your website or app must include:

  • Legal entity name.
  • Email address.
  • Phone number.

Note: Include a 'Contacts' section on your website. Furthermore, the contact details that you enter in Settings-> All Settings-> Documents-> Billing info will be visible on BookDirect.

Checkout and payment process information

During the checkout and payment process, your website must clearly show your company's:

  • Legal entity name.
  • Trading name, if applicable.
  • Company registration number.
  • Company location.

Note: Similarly to the above, make sure to enter these details in the section Settings-> All Settings-> Documents-> Billing info in order for them to be visible during the checkout process on BookDirect.

You must have a checkbox with the statement I agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Refund and Cancellation policy. The statement must have hyperlinks to the documents mentioned. Shoppers must select the checkbox to accept the statement before continuing to make their payment.

Note: This feature is built-in in BookDirect and a checkout cannot be completed without agreeing to the terms and conditions.

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