After going LIVE with the Automated Payment Processing

Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 8:45 AM


Going Live

You've completed the SAQ-A form, passed through the KYC procedure, and (possibly) received your payment terminals and you are now 'Live' with the Complete Payment Automation. But what does that mean exactly and how does it benefit you?

In a nutshell, being Live with the service means that from this point on you are able to:

  • manually charge/pre-authorize the cards of your guests. You will be able to also refund a processed transaction.
  • require from guests immediate deposit payment on the BookDirect in order to create and guarantee their booking.
  • give guests the flexibility to pay their bills through the MyBooking Portal.
  • configure the Payment Autopilot to handle various payment-related tasks automatically based on rules.

Essentially, once you go live you need to:

  • learn how to process transactions - tokenizing (saving) card details, charging cards, pre-authorizing + charging/releasing an amount, and refunding a transaction. See 'Backend operations' below for full guides.
  • learn how to configure your guarantee options in order to collect card details and payments from guests when they are creating their booking through BookDirect. See 'Frontend operations' below for guides.
  • learn how to configure the Payment Autopilot if you wish to automate a lot of the processes. See 'The Payment Autopilot' below for guides.
  • learn how to reconcile the received payouts by Adyen with the processed transactions. See Payouts and withheld Deposit amounts for full information.

Backend operations

In order to learn how to process transactions through Clock PMS+ and Clock POS, security policies, and more, please make sure you read the following:

Front End operations

The articles above showcase how you can manually process transactions through the backend of Clock PMS+/POS. 

With a payment processor, however, your guests can make use of a plethora of front-end payment processing options:

  • provide Card details to guarantee and create a booking through the BookDirect
  • provide Card details and complete payment (partial or full) to guarantee and create their booking through the BookDirect.
  • guaranteeing their booking through the MyBooking Portal - by only providing details and/or completing payment as well.
  • paying their bill through the MyBooking portal.

Here is an example of what the guest experience would be when creating and paying for their booking through the BookDirect:

All the options related to guaranteeing (payment or just providing card details) on the BookDirect and the MyBooking portal are controlled through the Guarantee options in Clock PMS+.

  • if you require only card details to guarantee the booking, your Guarantee option must NOT have any deposit information entered in it.

  • if you require card details AND payment to guarantee the booking, configure the required deposit amount in the Guarantee option(s).

Important: In both cases, you must select only the 'Credit card tokenization/payment' payment service.

Note: Feel free to consult with our Support team or your Onboarding agent about what settings are needed to utilize the payment processing on the BookDirect and MyBooking Portal.

The Payment Autopilot

Finally, with a payment processor, you can also make full use of the groundbreaking Payment Autopilot. Please make sure to read the below articles for information on how to configure it and some popular examples.

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