
Modified on: Tue, 21 May, 2024 at 7:56 AM


In Clock PMS+ you can add and modify written content in different languages that is visible by the guests. This includes your general hotel policy, Room type names and descriptions, Guarantee and Cancellation policy names and descriptions, Rate names and descriptions and many more. In addition, you can also modify and add content to our built-in templates for booking confirmation, booking enquiry, folios and more (if you are not using your own custom ones) and even, you will be able to modify names and labels of the fields on your BookDirect (WRS) and MyBooking Portal (SSP).

How Languages work in Clock PMS+

Each booking in Clock PMS+ usually has a 'main guest' profile attached to the booking.

By having a language selected you ensure that any automatic communication - guest mailer emails; confirmation email and others are sent in the selected language as long as you have created an email template for the language. Furthermore, the MyBooking Portal (SSP) and Online check-in will open in the selected language when the guest accesses them. Finally, whenever you want to send an email manually, the template in the respective language will be loaded first.

Languages can be selected for each guest profile in a booking but the one of the Main guest controls the language of the 'booking'.

A language can be selected manually for a guest profile by a user or it can be set automatically when a booking is created based on the language the selected on the BookDirect (WRS).

Adding Languages

In order to add a language simply navigate to menu Settings->All Settings->Content ->Languages and from the '+' button select the language that you want to add.

Once you've added your language you have two control button to use:

  • Default (1) - select which of the Languages will be the default one. This will configure the BookDirect (WRS) or MyBooking Portal to open that language by default (for the Portal, this is applicable in case there is no language different than the default one selected in the main guest profile). Furthermore, various templates which you can manually send will also be initially loaded in this language. You can of course select a template in another language.
  • Make public/Hide (2) - show or hide the language from the BookDirect (WRS) and MyBooking Portal (SSP).

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