In this article, we will focus on how to interpret the occupancy data in various reports when your property uses virtual rooms. We remind you that in Clock PMS+, virtual rooms are a special type, where one virtual room consists of several real rooms. For example, you have double rooms (DBL) that have a connecting door, and these two (component) rooms can be sold together as a family room (FAM).
The data we will review is based on bookings for 1 DBL and 1 FAM, active blocks for 1 DBL and 1 FAM, and 1 DBL (component) room, marked as OOS.
Occupancy Forecast
The Occupancy Forecast monitor provides you with detailed occupancy data for your hotel. Here’s how to use it:
- Capacity for a specific room type - calculated from the number of active rooms for the respective type. Virtual rooms also have their own capacity.
- Overall hotel capacity - calculated as the sum of the capacity of real rooms. In the row “incl. virtual rooms”, the capacity of the virtual rooms is added to the capacity of the real rooms.
- Room statuses for the room type - shows how many rooms are marked as OOS (out of service). If a real room (DBL) is marked as OOS and this room is a component of a virtual room (FAM), the FAM room will also be marked as OOS. The reverse is also true. If a virtual room is marked as OOS, all its components will automatically be marked with the same status.
In our example, we have 1 DBL (component) room marked as OOS, and accordingly, for the virtual FAM rooms, one room is also marked as OOS.
- Bookings for each room type - shows how many rooms will be used based on available bookings. In this specific example, for the real room type DBL, 3 rooms will be used, with 2 of them being engaged by a virtual room (1 FAM);
- Overall hotel bookings - shows the physically occupied rooms (3 DBL), and the row “incl. virtual rooms” is calculated by summing the Bookings rows for all room types;
- Blocks for each room type - shows how many rooms will be used based on unutilized active Blocks. In this specific example, for the real room type DBL, 3 rooms will be used, with 2 of them being engaged by a virtual room (1 FAM);
- Overall hotel blocks - shows the physically occupied rooms (3 DBL), and the row “Incl. virtual rooms” is calculated by summing the Block rows for all room types;
- Constraint for the virtual room type - how many rooms of this type are unavailable due to the depletion of their components (from specific bookings or blocks);
- OCCUPIED overall for the hotel - the number of real rooms used based on bookings, blocks, and rooms marked as OOS. In the row “incl. virtual rooms,” bookings, blocks, and virtual rooms marked as OOS are added.
- FREE for the specific type - shows how many rooms remain physically free after deducting the rooms used for bookings, blocks, and rooms marked as OOS;
- FREE overall for the hotel - calculated by subtracting OCCUPIED overall from the Capacity. FREE (incl. virtual rooms) is calculated as the difference between Capacity (incl. virtual rooms) and OCCUPIED (incl. virtual rooms).
Occupancy and Charges
The "Occupancy and Charges" report compares occupancy data with revenue for the respective period. Here's how the data is calculated:
- Capacity - virtual rooms are not included; here, only active real rooms are accounted for, and rooms marked as OOS are deducted;
- Booked rooms - how many rooms are booked. In our example, there are 2 (1 DBL and 1 FAM);
- Occupancy - how many rooms will physically be used. In this specific example, 3 DBL rooms will be physically used. The "Occupancy" column also includes rooms that would be used based on unutilized active Blocks. If there is a Block for a virtual room, real physical rooms that will be used are included here. In our example, with active blocks for 1 DBL and 1 FAM, the “Occupancy” figure will add 3 more rooms (3 DBL).
Occupancy and Charges D-M-Y Report
This report allows you to compare occupancy and revenue data over different years. Here's how the key metrics are calculated:
- Capacity - virtual rooms are not included; here, only active real rooms are counted;
- Available - calculated by subtracting OOS rooms from the Capacity;
- Booked rooms - how many rooms are booked. In our example, there are 2 (1 DBL and 1 FAM);
- Occupied - how many rooms will physically be used. In this specific example, 3 DBL rooms will be physically used. This metric also includes rooms that would be used based on unutilized active Blocks. If there is a Block for a virtual room, real physical rooms that will be used are counted here. In our example, with active blocks for 1 DBL and 1 FAM, the “Occupied” metric will add 3 more rooms from the blocks (3 DBL);
- Free - how many real rooms remain free (Capacity - OOS - Occupied).
Occupancy/Revenue Forecast and Pace Report
This report provides a forecast of expected occupancy and revenue. Here’s how the occupancy data is calculated:
- Capacity - virtual rooms are not included; here, only active real rooms are counted;
- Bookings - shows how many rooms will physically be occupied based on bookings. This is not the number of bookings, but the number of rooms that will be used. In this specific example, 3 DBL rooms will physically be used;
- Blocks/Opt. Blocks - if there is a block for a virtual room, the real physical rooms that will be used are counted here. In our example, we have blocks for 1 DBL and 1 FAM, and 3 rooms (3 DBL) are shown here;
- Free - how many real rooms remain free (Capacity - Bookings - Blocks/Opt. Blocks - OOS). Note that rooms marked as OOS are not shown as a separate column, but they are considered when calculating free rooms.