Required Booking fields

Modified on: Thu, 20 Jun, 2024 at 1:10 PM


Defining required Booking fields

You can determine which fields must be completed when creating a manual booking. To do that, navigate to menu Settings-> All Settings-> section 'Booking'-> Booking fields.

To set a field as required, select its box in the 'Required' column. Furthermore, you can also apply a Default value for this field - a value that will be pre-populated in the field when manually creating a booking. You can of course change the value before saving the booking.

Tip: Based on our experience, fields that are commonly marked as Required are: Arrival Room/Room type, Adults, Rate, Guarantee policy, Marketing Source, Marketing Channel.

Favourite Country Codes

You can define Favourite country codes on the bottom of the page by entering their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, 2-letter country code, each on a new line.

By doing this, those countries will be pushed to the top of the country list in all sections of the system, including guest-facing sections.

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