Room Allocation to Bookings

Modified on: Tue, 1 Aug, 2023 at 11:46 AM


Before proceeding with the booking check-in, it is necessary that you allocate rooms to these bookings. Clock PMS+ supports two options: auto or manual distribution of rooms.

Auto Room Allocation

With the Auto Room Allocation, the system assigns room numbers to bookings, taking into account the booked room type, as well as that the allocated room must be free for the booking period. If the booking has some room feature preferences specified, the system selects the room that matches the client's preferences the most.

Here is how to allocate rooms to expected bookings through the 'Arrivals', 'In Hotel' and 'Search Booking' screens:

  • To call the auto allocation for a given booking, simply click  the 'Allocate Room' (3) button in its row.
  • If reviewing a booking, you can call the auto allocation through the Functions->Allocate Room button.
  • If editing a booking, you can use the 'Allocate Room' button in the 'Arrival Room' row.

To call the feature for more bookings:

  • Click the 'Select Multiple' (1) button to access the following functional buttons;
  • Select the bookings to have a room allocated;
  • Click the Room->Allocate Room (2) button.

Manual allocation

With the manual room allocation, you can select a room on your own for each of the expected bookings. Here are the available options:

  • On the 'Arrivals', 'In Hotel' and 'Search Booking' screens, you can use the '...' (4) button in the booking row;
  • If reviewing a booking, use the Functions->Allocate Room… button;
  • In the booking's edit mode, click the '...' button in the 'Arrival Room' row.

Regardless which approach you will go for, a room selection screen will load. The system will suggest only rooms of the booked type that are available for the booking period. On top of the list, you will see the rooms best matching the client's preferences (specified as room features in the booking itself).

If there are no suggestions on the screen, you can change the room type and assign a room number of another room type.

Important: If you choose a room whose type is not the same as the booked type, this will not change the booking price. The price of each booking is determined by the selected rate and or the set manual price.

Removing an allocated room

You can remove the allocated rooms to expected bookings the following way:

  • Through the 'Arrivals', 'In Hotel' and 'Search Booking' screens, click the last button (5) in the booking row and then select Room->Remove Room (2) button.
  • The feature can also be applied to multiple bookings. Through the 'Select Multiple' (1) button, you can switch to the mode of working with multiple bookings. Select the bookings and  perform the procedure described above.
  • If you have loaded the bookings on the 'Bookings - Advanced Search' screen, simply select the desired rows and perform the operation through the Room->Remove Room button.

Disabling Room Change

Clock PMS+ allows you to lock a room after allocating it to a booking, so that its number cannot be changed with another one or removed from the booking. 

  • You can use any of the already mentioned above screens to load the bookings;
  • Click the 'Select Multiple' button to access the functional buttons;
  • Select the desired bookings and click the Room->Set 'Disable room change' (2) button.

On the 'Arrivals' screen, all bookings for which the room change has been disabled, will be indicated through a lock icon before the room number.

To unlock the room change for a booking:

  • Follow the usual steps to load and select the desired bookings;
  • From the row with functional buttons, select Room->Remove 'Disable room change' (2).

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