SmartHotel setup

Modified on: Wed, 30 Oct, 2024 at 7:46 AM


For the activation of your SmartHotel connection, you will first need to:

  • Have your SmartHotel channel add-on activated (if not, please contact the Support Team
  • Set-up your SmartHotel account.
  • Contact your SmartHotel account manager or sales representative to request a connection to Clock PMS+
  • Provide us with your SmartHotel HotelCode and WhiteLabelID
  • Our Support Team will establish the connection between Clock PMS+ and your SmartHotel account allowing you to pull the products and proceed with mapping.

Specifics of the connection

  • Importing Credit Card details from SmartHOTEL to Clock PMS+: Keep in mind, that when SmartHOTEL push the CC details for a certain booking, they will not provide the security (CVC) code of it. You will need to check with your payment provider, if you will be able to charge the Credit Cards without the security code.
  • Supplement importing: Please note that supplements can be imported from SmartHOTEL to Clock PMS+ only if their type in SmartHOTEL is "6" - (ST_SELECTED_DATES_PER_ADULT =  '6').
  • Booking modifications/cancellations created in SmartHOTEL for bookings which were originally imported in Clock PMS+ from a different channel manager, will not be pushed to Clock PMS+

Once the connection is established, you can proceed with your own custom settings of the SmartHotel Channel Manager in Clock PMS+ by going to Settings -> All settings -> Online distribution -> SmartHotel.

General settings

You can make changes to the general settings:

  • Name - you can specify the name of the connection.
  • Default currency - if a certain price (room night or extra service) is imported without a currency, the Default Currency will be applied for it.
  • Default charge template - when an extra charge is imported for which there is no mapped charge template, the one selected here will be used (you can find more details in the "Charge template map" section below).
  • To Do on new booking - controls if a to-do task will be created when a booking notification is imported. The recommended value is YES.
  • Company map - the default value is "Channel-to-Company (v1)". If you plan to import Company and Agent profiles (sent by the OTAs), please consult the support team about the required settings in Clock PMS+ before switching the value.
  • Marketing Channel/Source/Segment - default values for the marketing elements. More details about their setup and usage can be found here.
  • Goldres compatibility mode - a mode which when activated, will distribute the sent prices from Clock PMS for one and for two adults in SmartHotel. Please contact our Support team if you think that this option may need to be used.

Mapping settings

You have the option to download all room type and rate combinations, and SmartHotel extra services by using the "SmartHotel maps" button (located in the top right corner). The following color table is used:

  • Yellow - when a new element is located in SmartHotel (room type, rate andor extra service). The new element(s) will be downloaded upon saving the changes.
  • Red - when an already connected element is no longer active. The marked elements will be removed upon saving the changes.
  • Blue - when an already connected elements have its name changed in SmartHotel, the names will be updated in the mapping settings upon saving the changes.

Room type mapping

Navigate to Room / Rate maps and click the "Edit" button for each SmartHotel room type in order to apply the following options:

  • Room - provided by SmartHotel. Please do not change it, if the room was automatically downloaded.
  • Room Text - provided by SmartHotel. Please do not change it, if the room was automatically downloaded.
  • Room Type - a dropdown menu of your Clock PMS room types to select from.
  • Max rooms - use this option to control up to how many of your available rooms of a room type to be sent with a single update. 

Example: If you have 5 rooms available, with Max Rooms set to 3, only 3 rooms will be sent. In the case of 2 rooms available, with Max Rooms set to 4, only 2 rooms will be sent;

  • Export disabled - use this option to stop or resume the Clock PMS+ availability updates for the given room type.

The "Add (+)" button allows you to add a room type manually in case it was not downloaded through the download option.

If you use Virtual Room Types in SmartHotel - please contact our Support Team, so instructions can be provided regarding their mapping, as there are some specifics about it.

Rate mapping

All rates connected to a room type will be listed just under this room type. Please click the "Edit" button for each SmartHotel rate in order to apply the following options: 

  • Rate Plan – provided by SmartHotel. Please do not change it, if the rate was automatically downloaded.
  • Rate Plan Text – provided by SmartHotel. Please do not change it, if the rate was automatically downloaded.
  • Rate Plan Type - Currently this option is not yet developed, so you will need to not choose any of the options for it.
  • Rate - a dropdown menu of your rates in Clock PMS+ to select from
  • Export disabled – use this option to stop or resume the Clock PMS+ updates for the given rate.

The "Add (+)" button  allows you to add a rate manually in case it was not downloaded with the download option.

Company Map

In order to map the portals connected to SmartHotel to Companies/Agents in Clock PMS, you will need to add the mappings in section "Company map" -> "Add (+)":

  • SmartHotel Portal – The ID of the portal, the provided by SmartHotel. 
  • SmartHotel Portal Text - here, you will need to fill the name of the portal.
  • Company/Agent – a dropdown menu of your company profiles registered in Clock PMS+ to select from. Each booking imported from this OTA will be created with the company profile selected in this field.
  • Rate charge transfer
    • Disabled – the rate charges will remain in the created booking folio.
    • Enabled - the rate charges will be transferred to an open folio in the selected Company/Agent profile.
  • Disable registration cards – if set to “yes”, a registration card will be created only for the main guest in each booking imported from the respective channels. Set this field to “no”, if you need a registration card to be created for extra guests from the imported bookings.

Charge Template map

All downloaded extra services will be listed in the "Charge template map" section. Please click on each extra service in order to apply the following options:

  • Service - the ID of the service, provided by SmartHotel. Please do not change it, if the extra service was automatically downloaded.
  • Service Text - provided by SmartHotel. Please do not change it, if the extra service was automatically downloaded.
  • Charge template - a dropdown menu of your charge templates in Clock PMS+ to select from.

The "Add (+)" button allows you to add an extra service manually in case it was not downloaded with the download option.

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