After seeing what Clock Kiosk can do in the Clock Kiosk - Functional Overview article let's see what configurations you can do. To start off, navigate to menu Settings->All Settings-> Guest Engagement-> Kiosks. You will see the following for configuration:
- Door Key Encoder (1) - select an encoder from a supported and configured key-card system on which guests will code their cards.
Note: You can order the Kiosk device from Clock PMS+ with an embedded card encoder (of the card system you use). Alternatively, if you have only licensed the Kiosk software and load it on your own device, you can place an encoder next to the device so guests can still encode cards.
- Mobile Key support (2) - if the key-card system you use supports mobile keys (over phone and/or email) you can enable the feature so guests can receive the mobile key on their device.
- Location / Notes (3) - you can add some notes for this Kiosk visible only within the system. This is especially useful if you have several Kiosks as you can enter where they are placed so you can distinguish them.
- Document pictures (4) - if during the check-in process and completion of registration cards you need a photo of the guest document (ID card, Passport) you can enable the feature so guests can take a photo of their document using the Kiosk camera. You can choose from Not requested; Requested, but not required; Required options.
- Pay at check-in (5) - enable if you want guests to pay any outstanding balances during check-in. Applicable only if you use a supported and configured payment processor. Guests will be able to pay either online or through a physical card terminal near the Kiosk.
- Online check-in only (6) - DO NOT USE. This feature will soon be removed.
Important: If you are a user that already uses this Online check-in feature, please contact our Customer Service team at [email protected] to discuss migrating to the new and improved Online check-in
- Terminals (7) - if you use a supported and configured payment processor and its physical card terminals, you can allocate one terminal for the Kiosk. You can either attach it to the Kiosk itself or place it nearby. This will allow guests to pay on the terminal during check-in or check-out. In this field, select which of the added terminals is allocated for the Kiosk.
Apart from the settings above, there are the following additional settings:
- The check-in starts at (1) - enter the start time of the check-in. Guests will not be able to check-in on the Kiosk prior to it.
- Allow login with last name (2) - by default, guests can login with their Booking number and PIN code. You can enable login with Last name as an alternative to the PIN number.
Note: The PIN number is added to the default confirmation email. You can of course add it to any other email you send your guests.
- QR code login (3) - you can enable this feature to allow guests logging in with a QR code using the Kiosk camera instead of entering the details.
Note: The QR code is added to the default confirmation email. You can of course add it to any other email you send your guests.
- Guest email required (4) - select if you require guests to enter their email during the process. If an email is already available, guests can change it. This feature is especially useful with bookings from certain OTA's, where the OTA's do not send the real email of the guest.
- Allow Self checkout (5) - enable if you will allow guests to check out on the Kiosk. Available only on the departure date and any outstanding bills must be paid to complete the process.
- Registration cards required (6) - from here you can select if you require registration card(s) to be completed during the check-in process. The available options are - one registration card for the whole room; a registration card per adult or leaving it blank, meaning, no registration card completion will be needed.
- Guest signature on the Registration Card required (7) - works in conjunction with the above. Select if you will require a signature on the registration card(s).
- Guest credit card required (8) - select if you require guests to input credit card details during the check-in process. If a card is already stored in the booking, the guest will see a notification that there is one and they can add another one to their booking or skip the step. This feature is especially useful with bookings from certain OTAs that have an OTA 'virtual card'. In these cases, guests will be required to add their own card to proceed.
- Allow company invoices (9) - enable if you will allow guests to change the billing details of their folios to one of a Company.
- Close folio after payment (10) - enable if you would like to have the folio automatically closed after the guest has completed payment either during check-in or check-out.
- Document type to close folio (11) - works in conjunction with the above. Select what type of document (Invoice/bill, etc.) to be issued when the folio is closed.
Finally, at the bottom of the page, you can customize the appearance of the Kiosk (12). You can select one of our ready-to-use themes and apply a background image for the Login page (step 1) and a different background image for the rest of the steps.