Functions 'Split by Company' and 'Split by Agent'
In order to better organize the receivable accounts of Tour Operators, Agents and Companies, we have created a special type of transfer from the bookings - 'Split by Company' and 'Split by Agent'. Unlike the 'Transfer to default Company/Agent folio' functionality which transfers the charges to a single Company/Agent folio, with this type of transfer you have more control over where the charges are transferred to. This approach keeps the charges as long as possible in the booking where they can be easily found and audited.
The transfer itself is done automatically with the booking check-out. For a greater flexibility, you also have the option to manually initiate the transfer before the bookings are marked as departed.
How it works
- When you create the bookings, you can select a company profile and one of the 'Split by Agent' or 'Split by Company'options (1) (depending on the company's role in the booking). After saving the booking, two folios will be created - one for the Agent/Company with the rate charges and a second folio for the charges of the booking itself.
- Create folios in the Company's profile based on how you are going to invoice the bookings, e.g. by Arrivals, Promotions, Markets, etc.,
- In the booking's 'Checkout transfer folio' field (2), you can choose from all open folios of the Company/Agent selected in the booking except deposit and correction folios. Here you should select the folio to which the charges of the bookings are to be transferred after their checkout.
- To select a field value for multiple bookings, use the Booking Advanced Search. Find the bookings and select the ones to which you wish to transfer their charges across the Company's folios. Use the Bulk Update feature to set the Transfer Folio for the selected bookings, button Folio->Checkout transfer folio. By default, the list will offer the first company selected in the booking from the top of the list.
- At checkout, if the Checkout transfer folio is selected for the booking, the system will transfer the charges from all folios in the booking whose Recipient is the same as the one in the Checkout folio. Booking folios will NOT be transferred, they must be paid at reception.
- If you wish to initiate the transfer earlier than the checkout the booking, you can do so from the Advanced Search. Select the bookings for which you wish to execute the transfer and select the Folios->Transfer to checkout folio now function.
- If, after creating a booking, you select the 'Split by Company' or 'Split by Agent' option, the charges will NOT be automatically transferred and you will see a message 'Existing charges will NOT automatically transfer'. However, the option will be taken into account for new charges - for example when changing the stay of the booking.
- If there are payments in the Agent/Company folio in the booking, it will not allow a charge transfer. Remove the payments prior to the booking checkout;
- Only charges from open folios will be transferred;
- Once left empty, the old folio is voided;