Charge Packages

Modified on: Wed, 11 Sep, 2024 at 8:23 AM


Say goodbye to repetitive clicks with our Charge Packages feature. Imagine you're managing an event and need to apply a preset menu to the occasion. With Charge Packages, you can select the preset menu, and all the associated menu items will be automatically charged to the event with a single click. This feature is perfect for efficiently processing bundled services or items, saving you time and reducing the chance of errors.


To set up Charge Packages:

  • Navigate to All Settings -> Charges & Taxes -> Charge Packages.
  • Add a new package and give it a name. You can also add a longer description. (1)

  • Add the items to the package, for each item select: 
    • Charge Template (2)
    • Quantity (3): If you fill in a quantity, the charge will be with that fixed quantity. However, it is more interesting if you leave the field blank. Then the quantity of the charge will be whatever quantity you fill in for the package when you use it. On the other hand, the system will suggest for the quantity of the package - the PAX in the Event, Meeting Room Booking or Catering - so the Quantity will be as many as there are PAX.


Let's say you have an Event package where the Audio/Video fee is quantity 1 and costs 100 EUR, and the room rental is 10 EUR per person. In this case, the charge template for the Audio/Video must be a quantity of 1, and the charging rate for the room must be an empty quantity. 

Let's say the meeting room booking is for 23 guests. When you charge this package to the Meeting Room Bookings, it will automatically suggest for the package quantity - 23. The resulting chargers though are - Audio/Video 1 * 100 EUR, Room Rental 23 * 10 EUR.

  • Price (4): You may enter a price per charge. If you don't fill anything in, the price set in the chargemaster itself will be used. This feature allows you to use a single Charge Template with different prices in different packages.
  • Print text (5): Using the print text you can control the presentation of the charge in the folio. If you don't fill in anything, the print text from the charge template will be used.


Charge packages will be available in the Charge posting screen for any type of folio - Event, Booking, Company, Non-resident - and can be posted with a couple of clicks.

When posting the package you will be asked to enter PAX needed for any charges in the package that are calculated per PAX (see Example above), and as usual, you can select for which date(s) to post it. When you post the package through an Event or Activity, the PAX set in those will be suggested when posting the package.

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