D-Edge Setup

Modified on: Thu, 6 Feb, 2025 at 2:41 PM


For the activation of your D-Edge connection, you will first need to:

  • Have your D-Edge channel add-on activated (if not, please contact the Support Team)
  • Contact your D-Edge account manager or sales representative to request a connection to Clock PMS+
  • Enter your inventory, room and rate plan codes onto the D-Edge web page (please consult their support team about more details)

As soon as D-Edge is ready with the settings, they will contact both us and you with the respective account details. Now our Support Team can activate your D-Edge connection.

Once the connection is activated, you can proceed with your own custom settings of the D-Edge Channel Manager in the Clock PMS+ by going to Settings-> AppConnector-> locate 'D-Edge' and activate it-> click on 'Settings'.

General Settings

You can make changes to the general settings by clicking the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen:

  • Name - you can specify the name of the connection
  • Default charge template - when an extra charge is imported for which there is no mapped charge template, the one selected here will be used (you can find more details in the "Charge template map" section below).
  • To Do on new booking - controls if a to-do task will be created when a booking notification is imported. The recommended value is YES.
  • Company map - the default value is "Channel-to-Company (v1)". If you plan to import Company and Agent profiles (sent by the OTAs), please consult the support team about the required settings in Clock PMS+ before switching the value.
  • Max rooms % - selecting No will allow you to specify a flat amount limit for the updates to the OTAs, Yes will allow you to apply a dynamic limit (please refer to Room map section below for more details)
  • Marketing Channel/Source/Segment - default values for the marketing elements. More details about their setup and usage can be found here

Mapping Settings

Important: The D-Edge integration does not support 'Per guest' rates. To ensure accurate pricing, map rates based on 'base' occupancy and adjust prices according to the number of guests directly within D-Edge.

You have the option to download all room type and rate combinations, all active OTAs and D-Edge extra services by using the "Availpro maps" button (located in the top right corner). The following color table is used:

  • Yellow - when a new element is located in D-Edge (room type, rate, OTA and/or extra service). The new element(s) will be downloaded upon saving the changes.
  • Red - when an already connected element is no longer active. The marked elements will be removed upon saving the changes.
  • Blue - when an already connected element has its name changed in D-Edge, the names will be updated in the mapping settings upon saving the changes.

In order to save the changes, please click on the button "Update maps" (located on the top right corner).

Note: In some cases, you may see a section 'Availpro unmapped objects'. These are products that are available in D-Edge but not fully configured and, hence cannot be downloaded for mapping. 

Room type mapping

Please click the "Edit" button for each D-Edge room in order to apply the following options:

  • Room - provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the room was automatically downloaded.
  • Room Text - provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the room was automatically downloaded.
  • Room Type - a dropdown menu of your room types to select from.
  • Max rooms - use this option to control up to how many of your available rooms of a room type to be sent with a single update.
  • When Max rooms % is set to No

Use this option to control up to how many of your available rooms of a room type to be sent:

- room type 1 is set with a value of 3

- while you have 5 available rooms → 3 rooms will be sent

- while you have 2 available rooms → 2 rooms will be sent

  • When Max room % is set to Yes

Activating this option will cause the following behavior (it is always rounded up):

- room type 1 have a capacity of 10 rooms and it is set with a value of 40

- while all 10 rooms are available → 4 rooms will be sent

- while you have 8 available rooms, 40% is 3.2 → 4 rooms will be sent

- while you have 3 available rooms, 40% is 1.2 → 2 rooms will be sent

  • Export disabled - use this option to stop or resume the Clock PMS+ availability updates for the given room type.
  • The "New room map" button allows you to add a room type manually in case it was not downloaded through the download option.

    All downloaded room types and rates will be listed in the "Room / Rate maps".

    Rate mapping

    All rates connected to a room type will be listed just under this room type. Please click the "Edit" button for each D-Edge rate in order to apply the following options: 

    • Rate  (in the Availpro section) – provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the rate was automatically downloaded.
    • Rate text – provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the rate was automatically downloaded.
    • Rate (in the ClockPMS  section) - a dropdown menu of your rates in Clock PMS+ to select from.
    • Availpro Derived Rate. Export of prices disabled only – use this option to stop or resume the export of Clock PMS+ prices for the given rate.
    • Export disabled – use this option to stop or resume the Clock PMS+ updates for the given rate.
  • The "New rate map" button allows you to add a rate manually in case it was not downloaded with the download option

    Company Map

    All downloaded OTAs will be listed in "Company map" section. Please click on the "Edit" button next to each OTA in order to apply the following options:

    • Availpro Portal – provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the OTA was automatically downloaded.
    • Availpro Portal Text - provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it if the OTA was automatically downloaded.
    • Company – a dropdown menu of your company profiles registered in Clock PMS+ to select from. Each booking imported from this OTA will be created with the company profile selected in this field.
    • Event – a dropdown menu of events created in Clock PMS+ to select from. This option is designed to be used when you have minimum contracted rooms, as events can block contracted rooms. For more info, please contact our Support Team.
    • Rate charge transfer 
      • Don't transfer rate charges – the rate charges will remain in the created booking folio.
      • Transfer rate charges to Company/Event - the rate charges will be transferred to an open folio in the selected Company or Event profile.
      • Transfer rate charges to Agent - the rate charges will be transferred to an open folio in the Agent profile. Please contact the support team for more details about the Agents setup in Clock PMS+
    • Disable registration cards – if set to “yes”, a registration card will be created only for the main guest in each booking imported from the respective channels. Set this field to “no”, if you need a registration card to be created for extra guests from the imported bookings.
    • Deduct commission - allows you to subtract the commission percentage from the imported bookings.
  • The "New" button allows you to add an OTA manually in case it was not downloaded through the download option.

    Template Map

    All downloaded extra services will be listed in the "Charge template map" section. Please click the "Edit" button next to each extra service in order to apply the following options:

    • Availpro Extra - provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the extra service was automatically downloaded.
    • Availpro Extra Text - provided by D-Edge. Please do not change it, if the extra service was automatically downloaded.
    • Charge template - a dropdown menu of your charge templates in Clock PMS+ to select from.
  • The "New" button allows you to add an extra service manually in case it was not downloaded with the download option.

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