Exchange rates in Clock PMS+

Modified on: Mon, 24 Jun, 2024 at 12:55 PM


To set up the exchange rates in Clock PMS+, from the navigation menu, select Settings -> All Settings ->Charges & Taxes->Currency. Start with your national currency setting its value to "1". Add the rest of the currencies. Their values are set against the national currency according to the relevant exchange rate.

We have prepared several examples to help you with the configuration of the currencies and their exchange rates:

Example 1

Exchange ratesFor Values fill in
National currencyEUR
Foreign currencies

USD= 0.72 EUR0.72

GBP= 1.20 EUR1.20

CHF= 0.82 EUR0.82

Example 2

Exchange ratesFor Values fill in
National currencyUSD
Foreign currencies

EUR= 1.39 USD1.39

GBP= 1.67 USD1.67

CHF= 1.14 USD1.14

Example 3

Exchange ratesFor Values fill in
National currencyGBP
Foreign currencies

EUR= 0.84 GBP0.84

USD= 0.60 GBP0.60

CHF= 0.69 GBP0.69
Note: The Value field on the Currency screen supports exchange rate values with up to 6 decimal places.

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