App translations

Modified on: Tue, 11 Feb, 2025 at 2:03 PM


We have added a tool for translating labels and other static texts in the different apps. Translations made are per subscription, i.e. affect all accounts in it. This way you can translate BookDirect labels, for example, only once instead of for each account separately. To access it:

  • From the navigation select Settings-> App Translations
  • Choose the language in which you want to see the labels and to which language you will translate (the languages added to your subscription accounts (menu Settings-> All Settings-> Content-> Languages). The 'From' languages are the ones in which the apps are already translated.
  • Choose which app you want to translate, for example 'BookDirect'.
  • Click on 'Show Translations'.

  • You can search by:

Translation status (1) - all, Translated or Untranslated texts.;

Modification period (2) - searches by date of last change;

Search by key (3) - searches by a specific, unique key of the translation.;

Search by translation (4)- searches by the text of the translation for both selected languages.;

The table of texts is paginated. You can navigate between pages using the navigation buttons (6) in the bottom right corner.

Fill in the translations in the right column. The translations will not be lost when navigating between pages and when searching.

When you are done with all the translations, press the save button (5) in the upper right corner.

You can also change the built-in translations. For example, in English, instead of 'Adults' you want to say 'Guests'. As a 'To' language select 'English', find the label 'Adults', and change it to 'Guests'.

Translations are currently supported for the Book Direct, Online Check-In, and Event Confirmation Apps.

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