Datev standard export - Configuration and specifics

Modified on: Fri, 31 Jan, 2025 at 8:09 AM



The export is designed to export the revenue and payments registered in Clock PMS+ saving a lot of time and efforts. The file structure is standardized and follows SKR 04 chart of accounts established by Datev.


  • Request Datev Export feature to be activated for your account to your Clock PMS+ success manager or support team;
  • Make sure your financial system also supports SKR 04 chart of accounts and is configured to use them.


Configuring Revenue accounting code field

The account codes in Clock PMS+ are defined as a new field for the charge templates. 

  • Navigate to menu Settings -> All Settings -> Charge custom Fields > and check if a field with a name datev_account already exists. If not please create one with Name: datev_account and Type: string

Once the datev_account field is created you can start defining the account codes for the list of charge templates. 

  • Navigate to menu Settings -> All Settings -> Charge Templates and Edit each charge template and fill in the respective account code in Datev account field. 

Note: Keep in mind the datev_account field needs to be filled in before posting charges to booking/folios. However if you already have charges created you can still update their Datev account values using the Charge Custom Field Check Report.

Configuring Cost center field (OPTIONAL - create the field if your accounting needs it)

The account codes in Clock PMS+ are defined as a new field for the charge templates. 

  • Navigate to menu Settings -> All Settings -> Charge custom Fields > and check if a field with a name cost_center  already exists. If not please create one with Name: cost_center and Type: string

Once the cost_center  field is created you can start defining the cost centers for the list of charge templates. 

  • Navigate to menu Settings -> All Settings -> Charge Templates and Edit each charge template and fill in the respective account code in Cost center field. 

Note: Keep in mind the cost_center field needs to be filled in before posting charges to booking/folios. However if you already have charges created you can still update their Cost center values using the Charge Custom Field Check Report.

Payment accounting code configuration

  • Navigate to menu Settings -> All Settings -> General ledger accounts, review the existing configurations and create new ones specifying the attributes in the screen.

Note: The first match the system finds will assign the payment code. For example if a code 123 is configured for Payment type = Bank and code 456 is configured for the combination Payment type = Bank and Payment subtype = National Bank the system will find the first match and the code will be 123. However you can use the Sort order (ascending) to configure how the code configuration would apply and if the code 123 has Sort order = 2 and 456 with Sort Order = 1 the latter will match first and 123 will be the default one for the bank payments.

Unlike the Revenue accounting code the change ot the General ledger account code will immediately affect the General ledger account of the payments.

How does the interface work

  • Generate the export file. You can generate the Datev export file from Reports->Charge, Tax and Payment Records specify the desired period (leave Records = All) and accounts you wish to include in the export and click on View to collect the necessary information. Once the information is visible on the screen select  Datev-export( option from the Export menu to generate the export file. 

Note: If Datev-export( option does not exist please contact Clock PMS+ support for activation.

Exported data 

The following Clock PMS+ operations will be exported in the Datev export file:

  • Operations related with revenue. Here you can find out how the revenue system in Clock PMS+ works. The export follows the principle of day-by-day revenue recognition. For example: nights from 1st January are recognized as revenue for 1st January. In other words every charge will be accounted for the revenue date it affects;
  • Operations related with advanced payments. Here you can find more information about deposits, advanced payments the difference between the two and how to operate with them. The advanced payments in Clock PMS+ may be handled differently from operational perspective. However, they are all accounted identically and the information about the change of the advanced payments will be exported for the affected revenue date by the Datev export. 

Note: If you decide to use the deposit option (instead of advanced payments) in ClockPMS+ the export will treat is just as registered payment without affecting the advanced payments accounts;

  • Operations related with payments. Here you can find more information about the payments and the related operations. The payments are accounted for the revenue date when they were registered and hence will be exported for that date. All modifications are considered as separate payment events and will be exported as such for the affected revenue date.


  • A booking for the future is created and advance payment is collected. When the booking is created for the future, the charges are generated immediately for the respective dates. However, they are considered as future revenue and hence are not included in the export file on the date when the booking is created. If an advanced payment is registered it will be accounted for the day of receiving together with the payment. Example export is available as attachment - (Datev-export(14.08.2024)Advanced_payment_collected.csv);
  • Booking was checked-in and additional services were charged to booking folios. Following the of day-by-day revenue recognition principle the revenue for every night of the guests' stay will be accounted for the respective date together with all extra services the guest consumed at the given date. Example export is available as attachment - (Datev-export(01.09.2024)Check-in_and_extra_services.csv);
  • A correction of charges for the past occurred. For instance, the customer was given a discount for all services they had. The export will contain the revenue for the day and the discounts affecting the given revenue date. In the case discount for the current date as well as for the previous day. Since the disoucnt results in negative charhge in Clock PMS+ the information woudl be expiorted as credit one (Soll/Haben-Kennzeichen will contain 'H')  Example export is available as attachment - (Datev-export(02.09.2024)Daily_revenu_and_discount_provided.csv);
  • The advanced payment was used and the remaining amount was paid. At the check-out date the advanced payment is used and is exported together with the generated revenue for the day (including the discount) and the payment of the outstanding balance of the customer. Example export is available as attachment - (Datev-export(03.09.2024)Check-out_date .csv).

Specifics and limitations

  • Accounting codes default values. Please note that the default values may be changed up on your request:
    • If General ledger account (payment accounting code) is not present, then the export will use the default one - 1470.
    • If datev_account code (Revenue accounting code) is not present a VAT rate based default codes are used. The default values are as follows:
      • VAT 19% - 4790
      • VAT 7%(5%) - 4780
      • Other VAT rates: 1471
    • Advanced payments - 3276
    • Tax round difference - 1470
  • The amounts in the export file are always positive. However to ensure proper accounting on the records the column Soll/Haben-Kennzeichen will contain 'H' for negative revenue/payment/advanced payment and 'S' for a positive one;
  • The data is exported with the amount and currency as it was registered;
  • Field Belegfeld 1 contains the unique ID of the folio the charges/payments are posted to. In case an Invoice was issued its number will be exported there separated by ' / ' form the folio ID. Example: "123456 / INV392" and invoice is issued and "123456" if not;
  • Field Buchungstext contains the name of the charge for charges rows and the name of the payer for payment rows;
  • The charge / payment cancellation will be treated as credit transaction and hence Soll/Haben-Kennzeichen will contain 'H';
  • Field KOST1 - Kostenstelle of the export file will contain the values configured for Cost center(if configured).

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