SynXis Setup

Modified on: Mon, 13 May, 2024 at 12:05 PM


For the activation of your SynXis connection, first, you will need to:

  • Have the SynXis channel add-on enabled (if you don't have, please contact our Support Team);
  • Contact your SynXis account manager or sales representative to request a connection to Clock PMS+;
  • Collect all up-to-date codes from SynXis, necessary for the settings in Clock PMS+ - room types, rates, services;
  • Upon the completion of the Clock PMS+ settings, contact our Support Team to schedule an activation date.

To access the settings, go to the Navigation bar and select Settings->All Settings->Online Distribution->SynXis .

'Settings' Page

To complete the 'SynXis' section (1), you will need to use the interface activation data provided to you by SynXis.

Note: Upon receiving the data, please contact the Clock PMS+ support team to complete this section with their assistance.

You should complete the 'Clock PMS+' section (2) the following way:

  • PMS endpoint - the URL address is provided to the partner upon each activation. It is the unique for each account and is used in the communication between the two systems;
  • Username and password -  enter the same data as in the 'SynXis' section;
  • Default charge template-  a mandatory setting used for reflecting extra service charges in the cases when there are no respective mappings created;
  • Marketing Source, Channel, Segment- select the values to be applied during the booking import;

  • Booking Exchange - select an option depending on what data you wish to export:
    • Full Sync- full synchronisation of bookings (two-way). All bookings covering certain conditions like bookings for a room type being part of the mappings will be exported to the partner. 

Important: In the two-way exchange of bookings, Guest profiles and Companies/Agents will also be synchronised, i.e. Clock PMS+ can update the respective profiles connected to the bookings in the Sabre system.

    • Import Only- in this mode, the standard channel manager behaviour is preserved, namely booking import. There is no synchronisation of Guest profiles and Companies on our end.
    • Disabled- no booking exchange is performed between the two systems.

  • The export of Blocks, Availability, Rates, Restrictions and Length of stay (LOS) is supported. It is managed through the selection of the respective settings.
  • The selections 'export Room type restrictions' and 'export Rate Category restrictions' - refers to the usage of the Room Type / Rate plan restrictions which you can apply in the Rate Management screen. By applying a restriction for a Room type, a specific update for that room type will be sent to SynXis and all mapped rates from that room type will be affected, significantly reducing the number of updates needed in the communication and subsequently, the speed of updates.
  • Round prices - enable this in case you work with different tax modes between Clock and connected channels. For example, if ClockPMS+ sends a price of $200 including a 20% tax, and the channel works with prices excluding taxes, it might return a price of $166.66 excluding tax. In this situation, Clock PMS+ will add the tax and will get $199.992, which rounds to $199.99. To resolve such differences, by enabling this setting, Clock PMS+ will perform an additional, repeat rounding to the nearest whole number. Thus, amounts that after adding the tax are $199.99 or $200.01, will be rounded to the nearest whole number - $200.00. This applies to both room prices and prices for additional services.
  • Default block tax mode - if the block export is activated, this setting determines the way SynXis will treat the received prices from the block, i.e. as ones including tax or not. Depending on the selected option, the price from the block will be sent to the ones having the AmountAfterTax tag or  the AmountBeforeTax.

'Room type/Rate' Page

On this page, the mappings between room types and their corresponding rates.

  • Add a room type by using the “+” button. Complete the respective SynXis code.
  • Enter the corresponding rates to the added room types. Describe them through the respective SynXis codes. It is allowed to only add rates created for the room type with which you associate them in the mappings. 
    • Please use the 'Additional SynXis codes' to map several SynXis codes to one PMS+ rate. This way you can easily map all derived rates from SynXis, for example, to the respective  PMS+ rate.  In the import of a booking, the code coming from the XML is searched in the mapping and if a match is found, the respective PMS+ rate is mapped. 
    • For each rate, you can specify how SynXis to treat the received prices - like ones including tax or not. By default, the 'Tax inclusive rate plan' option is not included, i.e. the prices in the rate will be sent as prices not including tax or AmountBeforeTax. To export prices including tax, tick the setting checkbox. Please note that this setting is to also comply with the configuration of your Sabre account and rates.

  • The export for each individual row of the mappings (rate and/or room type) can be deactivated through the 'Disabled' option accessible in the edit mode of the respective row. If SynXis returns an error message, the product (row) is highlighted as 'Disabled' in our system, i.e. the export for the given product is stopped. The user can see what the error is, and, if possible, to correct it. Then the same can manually enable the export for the disabled row.

Important: Please note that the number of active rates in the mappings is 100. Each rate above this number may only be added as “Inactive”, i.e. it is only used for the purposes of the import. Active rates are only the ones for which there is export of data to the partner. If you need to export more products, please contact the Clock PMS+ Support Team.

'Charge templates/Extra' Page

Here you can add mappings for each extra service. The info of extra services is retrieved from the received XML - “Services” tag.

If you receive a booking containing a code that is not part of the mappings of the extra services, the charge will be created through the use of the template, set by default (selected on the 'Settings' screen).

'SYNC' Page

Manual synchronisation of bookings and blocks is supported.

  • Export Blocks- an option for manual synchronisation of all blocks or a specific block. Blocks are synchronised when meet the following conditions:
    • Part of events having an Expected or Checked-in status;
    • Completed block code;
    • The block is for a room type, included in the mappings;

If you wish to send the data of a specific block, simply enter its code.

  • Export Bookings- full synchronisation of all bookings or a specific booking. All bookings are exported when they meet the following conditions:
    • Having an Expected or Checked-in status;
    • Having a room type described in the mappings.

To send the specific booking, enter its number.

Additional features

  • “Export Request” Page - here you will find info on the exported messages to SynXis. They can be filtered by period, message type (Rates, Restrictions, etc.), room type, rate.
  • “Booking Request” Page - info of the booking exchange between Clock PMS+ and SynXis. A list of imported/exported bookings, as this exchange can be filtered by various parameters (Booking Number, Message ID). Under each request regardless of its type, you will find XML that can be provided to the partner for analysis, if necessary.
  • “Block RequestPage - detailed info of the exported blocks to SynXis. It can be filtered by Clock PMS+ block code or Message ID.
  • “Callback requests” and “Responses” Pages -  additional logs, if analysis is needed (advanced features for the purposes of the Clock PMS+ team).

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