Auto Room allocation models

Modified on: Thu, 8 Aug, 2024 at 8:31 AM


Allocation models

In the 'Other' tab, you will find the settings through which you can determine the system behaviour for the allocation of rooms. 

Here are all the algorithms:

  • Ordered - Allocates rooms to bookings in a sequential manner, depending on the set room sequence (sorting);
  • Random - Allocates rooms to bookings randomly;
  • Dense - A new algorithm that allocates rooms to bookings to maximize occupancy by finding free rooms with the minimum number of free nights before arrival. This maximizes occupancy.
  • Equal usage - An algorithm that allocates rooms to bookings to evenly distribute the workload among all hotel rooms and avoid crowding where possible. This facilitates the work of Housekeeping and ensures that all rooms are cleaned upon guest arrival. 
  • Occupancy dependent - A dynamic algorithm that combines the previous two and changes its behaviour depending on the hotel's occupancy. You set the hotel's occupancy percentage threshold at which the algorithm switches from "Equal usage" to “Dense”.

Example: For instance, if you set 70%, it means that if the hotel's occupancy for the booking period is 65%, the "Equal usage" allocation will be used, and if it is 75%, the “Dense” allocation will be used.

  • When allocating a room for each booking, its period and the maximum occupancy of the hotel during that period are considered. 
  • If you allocate many bookings at once, the algorithm is determined for each booking and its period. This allows behaviour to adapt to the different occupancy, for example, on weekends and weekdays.

Important: Please note that for this model to function, your hotel's occupancy needs to be known in advance. This means the algorithm will work best if you book room types (not numbers) and allocate rooms to bookings a few days in advance or for each following day, for example.

Automatic allocation

In addition, you can activate the automatic room allocation which will allocate rooms (using the selected model) when a booking is created.

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