New folio print view -'By Bookings' -it shows the charges arranged by arrivals and booking groups based on the booking reference numbers and their stay. If there are several bookings having one and the same reference number, they will appear as one group instead of each booking being a separate group. If the reference number is missing, the booking number is used for grouping. For each group, there is a total amount of the charges. If not related to a booking, these charges are shown separately.
National currency - a new setting in the Tax Settings->Taxation. It can be used in the cases when the folio is in one currency, however, you wish to see the folio amount in another currency, (the national one), too. Apart from the total amount of the folio, you will also see the tax base of each tax. The feature refers to closed folios only (closed upon the selection of this setting).
Adyen v2 - Ask gratuity - we have added a new option to the settings of each terminal to let you execute/stop a tip request for each payment, submitted to this device.
Booking - Edit multipleScreen - added a new 'Reference Date' column.
Bookings - Advanced Search - added a new 'Reference Date' booking search filter.
WRS - a fixed conflict leading to an error message in some situations upon a successful payment while the info of the successfully created booking didn't visualise.
Payments - a fixed conflict leading to a change to the payment date in closed folio after editing the payment description.
Channel Managers - corrections made to the processing of booking changes, so that it doesn't affect the available extra services when not received from the channel.
Hotek - Virtual door keys (GuestKey) - we have added a new virtual door key integration. Virtual keys are an innovative keyless and contactless solution allowing guests to have access to their rooms (and common areas). It only takes a click using the MyBooking Portal on their own mobile device.
Lightspeed L series - communication improvement
Companies endpoint - custom_fields added (API) - the user fields of the company can now be corrected through the API. For more details, please refer to the API documentation.