Adyen v2
We have developed a new and improved integration with the Adyen Payment Provider. The new implementation offers the following new features:
- Ability to use Adyen in the Payment Autopilot.
- Ability to use Adyen in the new Self Check-In App.
- A new implementation of the Alternative Payment Methods through the "Drop-in" interface replacing the discontinued "HPP".
- The management of POS terminals does not require a Clock IoT device
- Omnichannel transactions - terminal tokenization and further operations with this token: payment, refund, pre-authorization, release.
- Handling of tips entered at the POS terminal itself.
Important: All customers already using Adyen Version 1 will be migrated to Version 2. Please contact our Support Team for more information and scheduling a migration date and time. Unfortunately, it will not be possible for the migration of the old credit card data to the new implementation. For this reason, you may need to also use the old interface for the time being. In such cases, exclude the old one from the guarantee options, so that it is not used for new payments.
Here is a full feature list:
Related to the POS terminal:
- Payment. Specifics: it doesn't add tokens to the booking.
- Pre-authorization. Specifics: it doesn't add tokens to the booking.
- Card tokenization. It uses a zero-value pre-authorization.
- Pre-authorization capture. Omnichannel operation.
- Pre-authorization release. Omnichannel operation.
- Refund. Omnichannel operation.
- Terminal token payment. Omnichannel operation.
- Terminal token pre-authorization. Omnichannel operation.
- Terminal token pre-authorization capture. Omnichannel operation.
- Terminal token pre-authorization release. Omnichannel operation.
- Refund of omnichannel payment made through terminal token. Omnichannel operation.
- Processing of tips entered at the POS terminal during payment
- Processing of various currencies
- Payment (a direct one or through a token). It automatically tokenizes the card.
- Card tokenization
- Pre-authorization - a direct one or through a token . It automatically tokenizes the card.
- Pre-authorization capture (a direct one or through a token )
- Pre-authorization release (a direct one or through a token )
- Refund of a direct or token payment
- Operations with various currencies
- 3D Secure during payment - with client present transactions (WRS, MyBooking Portal, Kiosk)
- 3D Secure during tokenization - with client present transactions (WRS, MyBooking Portal, Kiosk, Online Check-In)
Detailed information of the Adyen settings can be found in our support articles.
Split by Company & Split by Agent
We have added new positions in bookings through which automatic booking charges can be split into two booking folios - folio of the company/agent and folio of the guest.
The rate charges (rate, rate package, city tax) are posted to the company/agent folio, while the rest of the charges related to the rate (e.g. 'Daily Charges') remain in the guest folio.
In contrast to the other two options (charge transfer), here the separation of charges takes place within the booking by automatically adding 'Billing to' each folio - Company/Agent and Guest.
If you change this option for already created bookings, the charges will not be transferred automatically and a message of the sort: "The existing charges will NOT be transferred automatically" will appear. Still the option will be taken into consideration with new charges, e.g. change to the booking stay or the addition of 'Daily Charges'.
Other Improvements
- Save card without check - for those of you using the services of payment providers, but not being able to manually save virtual cards (generated by various OTAs - e.g. in the booking due to their specifics, and their expiry date in particular, we have added the Save card without check button. Use it to save such cards as our CC vault cards, so that they can be used later on for various payment operations - payment, pre-authorization.
- Screen 'In Hotel / Expected Events' - for a greater volume of events, the report used to be slow, therefore we have changed its behaviour. In this report, now you would be able to see events whose arrival date is in the next 14 days, as well as the ones whose departure is after the current date. For events with a more distant arrival, and for your greater convenience, you can use multifunctional event search.
- City Tax- a new 'Append tax calculation description to Text' option - We have added a new button in the city tax setup related to the charge text visualisation in documents
Use it to show a precise breakdown of the city tax and a detailed description of the calculation in printouts. This way the quantity and the price of the city tax in invoices will be clearer. Please note that upon the activation of this setting, it will not affect the existing open documents. To update the text you use the Rate Re-Post option.
Example: a charge of EUR 5.00 x 1.0 = EUR 5.00, instead of the standard text, you will see: city tax EUR 2,00 per night + 2 adults * EUR 1,00 + 2 children * EUR 0,50 = EUR 5.00
- Folio audit To-Dos in terms of age and size - To avoid the accumulation of a great number of similar To-Do for a given folio, we have changed the behaviour of the Folio audit. The automatic daily check aimed at showing you problematic folios will create new tasks as before, but will also delete similar tasks related to a given folio.
- POS - 'Custom Modifier Posting' user right - similarly to the Custom Charge Posting right, we have made a new right for the needs of the POS restricting the addition of custom modifiers. Users for whom this right has not been granted would not be able to add custom modifiers in bills.
Note: The right has been granted automatically to all the users having the Charges – Custom Charge or Modifier Posting right.
- POS - Menu Groups: We have fixed the issue with the menu groups whose icons, colours, sorting, etc., not working properly in a multi-account environment .
- It was not possible to issue Full Correction for documents, in which there was a used deposit under the new model (Deduct charges)
- Occupancy/Revenue Forecast and Pace Report - the report used to duplicate the revenue from blocks.
- Transfer To - the option for payment transfer among various folios did not suggest the closed documents
- Get Deposit From - the option for using a deposit through the transfer of payments didn't suggest overpaid folios
- RoomCloud - supplements weren't reflected properly upon receiving a booking modification. Sometimes this led to unnecessary duplication of charges.
- New parameters for adults and children (API) - new parameters in the rates_availability endpoint so Per guest rates and guest offsets can be calculated correctly.
- A new endpoint for block prices (API)
- Companies (API) - now you can enter 'branch'; 'iata'; 'channel_manager_search_code'
- Lightspeed L-series - in some cases the behavior of the L-series lead to a disconnect from Clock PMS+. This entailed having to re-do the full configuration including mapping to resolve the issue. To ease the process, we have separated the 'Authorization' section so that if the issue occurs again, you will only need to re-authorize by entering your L-series username and password, without needing to re-do all settings and mapping.
- Italian Invoice Export improvements
- Germany - DSFinV-K export capability - export needed for tax auditing purposes by local authorities.
- Belgium - STR data export - STR data export for Belgium now available. The feature compiles and sends historical data to: [email protected] and future data to: [email protected]. The data is sent daily.