Clock PMS+ Update (25 May 2021)

Modified on: Wed, 14 Sep, 2022 at 7:14 PM


New Navigation

We have updated our navigation. Apart from the new and modern vision, we have also added a few interesting features:

  • Shortcuts (Bookmarks!).We have added an option for personalisation of the most frequently used links from the navigation. We can easily  select quick access links accessible in a click. The selected shortcuts are specific for each user and device.
    • To open the navigation, select the hamburger icon in the upper leftmost corner.
    • Quick addition of a shortcut. From the navigation itself, slide the link to be added to the right.
    • Rearrangement and edit of shortcuts. You can change the order of shortcuts, remove some of them or add new ones using the shortcut editor. To open the shortcut editor, click the icon of the shortcut panel at the bottom or go to Settings - Bookmarks. In the edit panel, you can use the up and down arrows to rearrange and the green / red icons - to show or hide the link.
  • Quick search and selection of bookings. To open the booking quick search and selection panel, click the magnifier icon in the upper right corner.
    • Search by room number, booking number and reference number.
    • Search by guest name, email and telephone number.
    • Selection of several bookings. To open several bookings, go to the Advanced Search list and click the Select button next to each of them. You can repeat the search using other parameters and adding more bookings to the already selected ones. When you select all the necessary bookings, click the blue * Selected… button.

The selected bookings will open in the Advanced Search, where you can use the already existing edit or batch update features.

New Home Screen

The new home screen combines key info of your hotel and tasks. This personalisation allows you to select the info  you are most interested in. The home screen can be personalised for each user and device to show a selection of widgets matching the device size at hand.


To edit the arrangement of the widgets and which of them to be visible or not, click the cog icon in the lower right corner. You can change the order of widgets using the arrows or show/hide them through the green/red widgets. Here are the available widgets:

  • User Panel. General info of the user and the hotel to which the same is logged in. To be able to see better to which hotel you are logged in you can also add:
    • A picture of the hotel by going to Settings - All Settings - Logos / Image Library - Icon image.
  • To-Dos. Representation of summarised info of your To-Dos, as well as unassigned To-Dos. Click any of them to open the To-Dos screen.
  • Feedback. It shows info of the feedback received for the day.
  • Notifications. Important messages about the functioning of the system or other statistics.
  • Updates. Info of the latest system updates. Click the respective link to learn more about each update.
  • Arrivals. Info of the number arrivals for the day and how many of them are already checked-in.
  • Departures. Info of the number of departures for the day and how many of them are already checked-out.
  • Housekeeping. Info of the number of rooms by housekeeping statuses - Dirty, OOS, Inspected, Progress, Clean.
  • Occupancy. Info of the number of the occupied rooms for the day and the next seven days, as well as a comparison for the same period from last year.
  • Revenue Today. Revenue info for the current date by revenue groups (rooms, fb, extra, other, cancelled), as well as a comparison for the same day from last year.
  • Custom screen top help/Custom screen bottom help. By default, the widgets are hidden. Through the theme, you can show custom texts or instructions related to your hotel. Due to the new home screen format, we recommend you to use a smaller font size and avoid headings of the  H1,H2 type and so on.
  • Section. Depending on the size of the display of your device, you can distribute the widgets in different columns. Arrange the widgets to be conveniently situated in different sections of the columns.


You can change the appearance of the home screen. The personalisation is for each user and device. You can choose between a light or dark theme as well as to enable or disable the background image.

  • Click the cog icon to customise the screen.
  • The background is the existing one and can be set by going to Settings - All Settings - Logos / Image Library - Custom Background Image. Please note that this background image is one and the same for all users in the account.

News and Messages

We have added a new option to receive system notifications and info of updates  When there is a new message or info of a new update, it will be reflected in the email icon in the lower right corner. There you can see the number of unread messages. Click the icon and select the message to specify that it is read using the blue button to the right of the message.

If you wish, you can hide the Notifications and Updates notifications and receive messages this way only.  This will free up more space for the other widgets.

Other Improvements:

  • Six Payments Non-Credit Card Payment Methods. To Six Payments, we have added an option for the use of various regional or global alternative payment methods like Online bank payments, Wallet payment services, etc. Here are some of the supported Six Payments alternative payment methods  - Directdebit, Eps, Giropay, Ideal, Paypal, Sofort, Klarna, etc. To activate an alternative payment method, please contact Six Payments. The alternative payment methods can be used for the payment of a deposit or the whole bill in the WRS or the Self Service Portal, where the end user themselves makes the payment. The service you need to activate in Six Payments is Payment Page. In Clock PMS+, make the following settings:
    • Go to Settings / All Settings - Six Payments (CCredit, Saferpay, Payment Page)
    • Select Payment page enabled, as well as the desired payment methods.
    • In the Hpp terminal field, enter the ID of the Payment Mean / Terminal set in Six Payments. You can find Payment Means / Terminals in the back office of Saferpay by going to Settings - Payment Means / Terminals. If you have more than one Payment Mean / Terminal, please contact Six Payments to consult them about which of them is suitable for use with the Payment Page service and the alternative payment methods.
  • Deposit folios - charge templates. For those of you using deposit folios, we have made a change that will facilitate their issue. Up until now, to close a deposit folio, you had to select the respective data of the contained charge template - tax, revenue category and text, very often resulting in errors by the operators. Besides, not all charge fields could be filled in. Here is why we have changed the method of issue of deposit folios. On closure, you can now select from predefined charge templates, and all field data is automatically transferred from the charge template. To set the new functionality, you can make one or more charge templates of the PRE-INVOICED DEPOSIT (deposit) revenue group.
  • Number of printed copies of each folio. For the countries where the legislation requires the tracking of the number of copies of each folio, we have added this option. Depending on the country, you can now see the Copy/Original label. We have also added the name of the user having issued the document.
  • Smarthotel - An option added for the interface to work with the new endpoints. Please contact our Support Team, if you wish to switch to the new endpoints.
  • RoomCloud - In the export log, you can now find the identifier (Echo Token) of each request facilitating your communication with the Support Team of RoomCloud.
  • On the booking screen for each pre-authorization, you can now see the PSP reference (new operators).
  • To the Tax settings screen, we have added the current revenue date.


A Fiscal Operations Log has been added for the German fictionalization (in cooperation with Fiskaly Gmbh), so all bills to be fiscalized according to the configurations can appear there, as well as all outages and unsuccessful signatures will also be visible along with the successful ones.


  • Trial Balance - a few issues fixed that caused discrepancies in the checksums.
  • Occupancy and Charges - the grouping by room type didn’t show certain charges, if the account didn’t contain any virtual rooms

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