Clock PMS+ Update (25 Jan 2021)

Modified on: Wed, 14 Sep, 2022 at 7:28 PM


Guest and Company Ledgers v.2

We have preserved the old versions while also adding new report versions: Trial Balance, Guest Ledger, Company Ledger, Deposit Ledger. To use the report versions (v.2), select  Settings - Tax settings - Ledgers version in the Revenue Date Mode section. You can freely and at any time switch between the versions 1 and 2 depending on your needs. Reports are run from the Reports page as before.

Here is how the new report versions work:

Up till now, there was a difference between the Accounts Receivable Report and the data in the Guest and Company Ledgers. This difference was determined by the different principles under which these two reports used to work, namely:

  • The Accounts Receivable Report works based on closed folios regardless of whether the charges in these folios are for past or future periods, the whole amount is reflected as Accounts Receivable..
  • Guest / Company Ledgers work based on the recognised revenues, i.e. charges for future periods were not included in these ledgers, even if these charges were in closed folios.

This difference between the two reports is very confusing for most of you. This is why we have decided to make the following changes that we hope will bring more clarity to these reports:

  • The future date charges from closed folios are now contained in a new separate "Total future charges" column in the Ledgers.
  • This column is included in the amount of the Accounts Receivable in the Ledgers.
  • Additionally, we have made one more small change to make the two reports comparable: The amount of the overpaid closed folios is now treated as a deposit. In our opinion, this is the more accurate approach compared to the practice up till now for such charges to be treated as negative Accounts Receivable.

After these changes, the data of the two reports can be compared, bringing one more benefit - through the Ledgers, you can now get data of the Accounts Receivable for each past date.

The Trial Balance also reflects these changes and now contains the data of future date charges in closed folios as well as the formulas for the check amounts in the Trial Balance have changed to include these amounts.

Please note that the above changes to the Ledger reports change the way these amounts are treated, including for past dates. This will also change the values and amounts in them. The Trial Balance, in turn, will not change, because its balance is based on the difference between revenue and payments which do not change for past dates.

To the new versions of the Guest and Company Ledgers, we have added one more feature. By default, when running the report, it is generated in a compact mode, as the important amounts are present: Accounts Receivable, Liabilities and Deposits. You can tick or untick the Show Details checkbox to see or hide the rest of columns containing: Charges, Total charges, Total future charges, Payments and Total payments.

Credit Cards

  • To the new payment providers (Six Payments and Elavon for the time being), we have added an automatic verification of the card validity with its import from channel managers. This way, you can know at the earliest stage possible if a card coming along with the booking details is a real one. This verification is performed through the payment provider features - tokenization (for Elavon) or pre-authorization of EUR 1.01 (for Six Payments).  On the booking screen, the verified cards appear with a green icon. The ones not having passed the verification successfully, are shown with a red icon, and in the card preview, you can see the error specified by the provider. The old cards, not having passed through an automatic verification, have a blue icon as before. Additionally, we create a booking To-Do containing the error text, if a credit card doesn’t pass the verification process successfully.
  • In connection with the changes under the PSD2 directive, we have expanded the support for 3D Secure. We have also added 3D Secure support for the operations  with tokenized cards on GuestConnect (Self Service Portal) and Self Check-in. Up till now, there was a 3D Secure implementation for them, but only for a new card payment or tokenization. Now 3D Secure is also supported for payments with a previously tokenized card, if the issuing bank requests a 3D Secure authentication.
  • Now you can use the tokenized cards on the Company screen for paying Event folios related to the respective Company. Up till now, you had the option to only use the cards explicitly added for the specific Event.
  • The auto payment feature will process bookings  with multiple open folios in the following way: The first open folio will be the based one. If the task contains a calculation of an amount based on folios, but not on a deposit amount, this amount will be calculated on the basis of the first folio! Additionally, if the balance of the first open folio is 0, the task will do nothing, i.e. the second folio is fully ignored.


  • RoomCloud - The remarks from bookings coming from channels are now saved in the Booking Notes. Up till now, they were saved in the Client Requests. We have made this change, as the received remarks very often contain service information pertaining to the hotel, whereas Client Requests are intended for the client and can be seen on GuestConnect (the Self Service Portal). This is why it is not appropriate for service information to appear there. This change will affect the bookings received after the release of this update.
  • SmartHotel- We have improved the logic behind the creation of guest profiles and contact persons to completely avoid the creation of duplicate profiles, as well as to eliminate the need for repeated entry of the main guest data. Here is the new processing logic:
    • If the booking is for one room and among the guests there is a guest coinciding with the contact person, a new main guest with the full details will be created, as the booking will have no separate contact person. If the contact person is not present on the guest list,  a separate contact person is created for the booking.
    • If the booking is for several rooms and there is a guest coinciding with the contact person for any of these rooms, the system will proceed similarly to the case from the above bullet, while for the rest of the bookings, the same guest will be the contact person.
  • We have added a new right - Credit card refund for PMS and POS. The right is automatically granted to all users have had the “Payments - New” right so far.
  • Added a check for the length of an event. The maximum length for an event is 365 days. 


  • A new option added to the booking for adding cards / wristbands for charge transfers from Clock POS. The feature does not require any additional setup and is accessible from Functions - Identity Tags for each booking. This option allows the addition of new booking tags (manually or through a keyboard reader, as well as the removal of old ones.
  • In Clock POS, you can now search for a room through the Booking Identity Tag (along with the room number and the guest name).
  • API:
    • Added a booking search by booking_identiy_tag.
    • An endpoint added: assign_booking_identity_tag in PMS_API for adding booking_identiy_tag
    • An endpoint added: unassign_booking_identity_tag PMS_API for removing booking_identiy_tag
    • An endpoint added: credit_card_transactions in base_api with support for Elavon and SIX payment operators.
  • A feature added for data encrypting  that is independent from the onSubmit handler for the Client-Side Encryption JS library.
  • Slovenian fiscalisation - fixes


  • When retrieving EU VAT service data, now a clear message is shown for a found VAT number, but there is no available data of it in the registry.
  • Auto payment feature - it used to create multiple To-Dos for bookings with multiple folios.
  • A fixed bug with the CSV export from Guest Profiles > Advanced Search which used to only include the profiles from current page.

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