Per-Guest Rates

Modified on: Thu, 5 Jan, 2023 at 7:47 AM


For the hotels whose prices depend on the number of guests or adults and children, the Per-Guest Rates feature is very handy, as it can be used by hotels to manage their prices and it can also considerably reduce the number of the supported rates. One rate can be set to take care of all the combinations of adults and children. The system is very flexible and can calculate a wide range of pricing cases. In contrast to other guest-based rates, with the Per-Guest Rates, you define the very guest levels and conditions for price calculation. This way, you can solve simple cases in a simple way, and the complex ones - through the setup of more guest levels of a more complex structure.

Use the Per-Guest rates to define a price depending on how many and what kind of guests will use the room/unit. The feature allows you to define a price considering both the number of guests and their type: adults or children. It is even possible to determine various prices for children depending on their age. The Per-Guest rates can also function as the derived ones letting you easily create package rates whose prices depend on the number of guests.

We will examine a few examples to illustrate how exactly the new Per-Guest rates work.

Example 1 - Flat Per-Guest Rate

Let's assume the rate price, you have entered for the season or the date is EUR 100. This will be the result:

  • If the booking is for 1 guest - the price per night will be EUR 100;
  • If it is for 2 guests - EUR 200;
  • If it is for 3 guests - EUR 300, and so on;
  • In other words, for each guest (adult or child), the price will be taken from the rate;

See below how flexible the new system can be.

Per-Guest Price Levels

The more complex per-guest pricing cases are solved through the use of the Guest Levels feature. Through these levels you can determine a different price for each of the guests depending on the number of adults and children, as well as considering the children ages. Please remember the following principles:

  • The order of levels is important, as prices are looked for in accordance with the order of their addition.
  • For each next guest, a next level will be sought. If there is no such one, the last one available will be taken.

The Per-Guest price levels can be defined in the rate itself. Thus defined, these levels will be valid for all days. It is not possible to set different levels for each single date.

Check the "Setup and management of the guest levels in the rates" section below for more details on how the guest level prices are applied.

We continue with the examples:

Example 2 - The price for the first guest is EUR 100, for each next one - EUR 80

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 100;
  • Add one level - "Adult/Child" with EUR 80;
  • For the first guest, the rate price will be used. For the second one, the next defined level will be used, i.e. EUR 80. For each next guest, the price of EUR 80 will also be used, as this is the last defined level.

Example 3 - The price for the first guest is EUR 100, for the second one - EUR 80, and the night for the third one will be free of charge

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 100;
  • Add one level - "Adult/Child" with EUR 80;
  • Add one more level - "Adult/Child" with EUR 0;
  • For the first guest, the rate price will be used. For the second one, the next defined level will be used, i.e. EUR 80. For the third guest the next defined level will be used, i.e. EUR 0. For each next guest (if the room/unit allows it) , the last available level will be used, i.e. EUR 0;

Example 4 - the price for two guests - EUR 200, the price for the third guest EUR 50

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 200;
  • Add one level - "Adult/Child" with EUR 0;
  • Add one more level - "Adult/Child" with EUR 50;
  • For the first guest, the rate price will be used, i.e. EUR 200. For the next guest, the price will be EUR 0. This way, the price for one or two guests is one and the same. If there is a third guest, the price for this guest will be EUR 50.

Adults and Children

Let's examine a few cases where there is a difference between the prices for adults and children. The prices for children are once again defined based on the level principle, but the prices for children depend on the fact with how many adults these children are in the room/unit. In other words, they depend on their position in the structure of defined Adult/Child levels, and, in particular, after which Adult/Child level they are. Regarding the prices for children, please remember the following principle:

  • For each child, the system looks for a level, but after the level for an adult. If there is no next level - the last available is taken. If there are no levels for children or the system does not find a level after the one for an adult - children are treated as adults.

Here are some examples:

Example 5 - The price for an adult is EUR 100, and for a child with an adult - EUR 50

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 100;
  • Add one more level - "Child" with EUR 50; 
  • The price for the first guest will be the rate price - EUR 100;
  • The next guest: if an adult, the price will also be EUR 100, as this is the next level for adults. If a child, the system will take the level for a child with one adult - EUR 50.

Example 6 - Price for an individual room EUR 150, a second adult - EUR 100, children with one adult - EUR 80, a child with two adults - EUR 0

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 150;
  • Add one 'Child' level for EUR 80. Please note the 'Child' level comes right after the basic price, i.e. this is the price for a child with one adult;
  • Add one 'Adult' level for EUR 100;
  • Add one 'Child' level for EUR 0;
  • If 1+2 - the price for the adult will EUR 150, and the children will be charged at EUR 80, as this is the position for children with one adult;
  • If 2+1 - the first adult - EUR 150, and the second one - 100, and the child - EUR 0, as this is the position for children AFTER the second adult.


Besides fixed values, the levels can form a price through a percentage of the basic price. This way, the levels are relative to the basic price. Actually, you can use both a fixed price and a percentage one, if you have such cases. Please note that  percentage means the percentage OF the basic price, and it is NO DISCOUNT from the basic price. In other words, if you wish to introduce a 20% discount, you need to enter 80% of the basic price.

Here is an example:

Example 7 - Price for two guests - EUR 200, the third guest, if an adult, will be at the 50% of the price for a bed, and, if a child, free of charge

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 200;
  • "Adult/Child" level: 0%;
  • "Child" level: 0%;
  • "Adult/Child" level: 25% (because it is 50% of the price for a bed, and not the room price).

Example 8 - Price for an adult - EUR 100. A third adult: 40% off discount. A first Child with one adult: 30% off discount. A second Child with one adult: 80% off discount. A Child with two adults: free of charge

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 100;
  • "Child" level: 70%;
  • "Child" level: 20%;
  • "Adult/Child" level: 100%;
  • "Child": 0% level;
  • "Adult/Child" level: 60%.

Different prices based on children ages

If the prices for children differ depending on their age, then you can solve these cases by adding the age up to which the level is valid for. The age is treated on an inclusive basis, i.e. if the level is valid for up to 5 years of age, it will also be for 5-year-old children, but not for 6-year-old children.

Example 9 - Price for an adult - EUR 100; Child at up to 5 years of age - free of charge; Child at up to 12 years of age: 50% of the basic price

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 100;
  • "Child" level, up to 5 years of age: 0%;
  • "Child" level, up to 12 years of age: 50%.

It is important to know that you need to enter the children ages in each booking. If you have a booking without the children ages, and the rate only has levels with a specified age, for the children from the booking without an age, the proper level WILL NOT be used and will be treated as adults.

Example 10 - Price for a double room - EUR 200; Extra bed: EUR 50 for an adult, EUR 25 for a child at the age of up to 12, EUR 0 for a Child under the age of 5

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR 200;
  • Adult/Child level: EUR 0;
  • "Child" level, up to 5 years of age: EUR 0;
  • "Child", up to 12 years of age: EUR 25;
  • Adult/Child: EUR 50;

Per-Guest Derived Rates

The Per-Guest and "Guest Levels" feature can also be used for derived rates (fixed and percentage amounts). In this case, the surcharge/discount defined in the derived rate is accounted for each guest. Here are examples:

Example 11 - A rate with breakfast, adding EUR 10 for an adult, and EUR 5 for a Child

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR +10;
  • "Child" level: EUR 5;
  • Thus defined, the rate will add EUR 10 to the base rate (let's assume, it is a room-only one) for each adult, and EUR 5 for each Child.

You can also use the age filter to determine different prices for breakfast, for example, for the different ages.

Example 12 - A rate with breakfast: Adult - EUR 10,a Child of up to 12 years of age - EUR 6,a Child of up to 5 years of age - free of charge

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR +10.
  • "Child" of up to 5 years of age: EUR 0;
  • "Child" of up to 12 years of age: EUR 6;

Here is the behaviour of the percentage derived rate, if marked as a "Per-Guest" one

Example 13 - Price discount - 5% for each adult and 3% for each Child

  • In the rate for the date or the season, fill in EUR -5%.
  • "Child" level: -3%;
  • If you have 2 adults and 1 child in the booking, the discount to be subtracted from the basic price will be 13% (5% for the first adult + 5% for the second one, and 3% for the child). Please note that the discount is on the price calculated from the base rate, i.e. on the price per night.

Per-Guest Rates and Channel Managers

Unfortunately, the new rates ARE NOT compatible with ALL channel managers. Currently, Per-Guest rates can be mapped with RoomCloud, SiteMinder, and channel managers that have integrated with Clock PMS+ through the OTA API protocol and support per-guest pricing.

Setup and management of the guest levels in the rates

You can find all guest level settings by going to the Settings-> All Settings-> Rate plan menu.

Per Guest rates are not their own separate rate type like the Base or Derived rates. Instead, you mark a base or a derived rate to be considered and respectively calculated as a Per Guest rate. While you are creating a new rate or editing an existing one, simply mark it as 'Per Guest' (1) which in turn will open the 'Guest Levels' (2) tab.

How to set up the guest level prices

Navigate to the Guest levels tab (2) at which point the level table will open and start entering your levels based on your need and examples above.

If you've loaded several rates to Edit and all of them are Per Guest, you will be able to add a Level table for each rate from the same screen. If Levels are the same for a couple of rates, you can conveniently use the Copy and Paste buttons to save time.

Levels on Seasons

The above indicates how to create Levels on a Rate level. However, levels can also be applied on a seasonal level which will be applicable just for the respective season and have a higher priority than the one from the rate.

Simply load the rate/s for which you want to apply a new season and when adding the new season you will have the 'Guest levels' tab from where you can apply your levels just for this season.

Note: The guest level prices from the season(s) will override the guest level prices from rate settings.

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