Clock PMS Update (27 Apr 2015)

Modified on: Mon, 26 Sep, 2022 at 2:22 PM


Web Reservation System

Layout Proportions

Now it is possible to select the proportion between the left and right column on the production page in the WRS.

Depending on the length of the description of room types/rooms and the number of rates, it might be useful to use one or another proportion. Test the different proportions and select the most suitable one for your website. Don't forget to test the new proportions on different platforms: a desktop computer, tablet and smartphone.

The new setting can be found in: 'Other' - 'WRS Settings' - 'Product page: Left/Right Column Proportion" in the 'Optional settings' section.

Clock PMS WRS Proportions

"6 / 6" proportion

Clock PMS WRS Proportions

"8 / 4" proportion

Clock PMS WRS Proportions

"Full width" proportion

Extra Services for the Whole Stay.

As a part of the settings of the extra services, used in the WRS, now you can choose which services to refer to the whole stay of a guest.

Similar services will automatically be charged on the basis of the chosen quantity multiplied by the days of a guest's stay.

For greater clarity's sake, you can change the default title of a quantity field to a clearer and more suitable one for a specific service.

Then clients will easily know what they need to enter in this quantity field, e.g. the number of their cars for the parking lot service or the number of adults for the breakfast: adults service.

Clock PMS WRS Parking service

"Cars" as a quantity label

The new field title can be edited in 'Languages and Texts' - 'Charge Template Description/Translation' – 'Quantity' field.

PayPal – Allow Guest Checkout

For the PayPal payments in your system, you can choose whether a client to be redirected either to a page with their username and password displayed by default, or to a page where their details and the ones of their credit card are prompted.

We would like ro remind you that actually PayPal offers this option only to first-time users of their service (depending on the region of rendering the service). And when an email address is used for a second time, the user is required by PayPal to log in to their account.

If you prefer a credit card payment not requiring account creation and logging in, you can add the services to your subscription.

The new setting can be edited in 'Settings' - 'PayPal Express' - 'Allow guest checkout'. You need to re-enter your PayPal credentials.


  • A new small icon has been added beneath the images of room types, suggesting that these images can be enlarged.


  • Two more layouts have been added to the folio printing ones:

    Hotel Folio by Dates

    By date.

    The information is grouped by date and print text. If the elements of a package have the same print text, for each date only one line with the total value of these services will be printed.

    Hotel Folio by Text and Price

    By Text and Price.

    A more compact printing layout not containing information by dates, but the services having different prices are shown in separate lines.

  • Payment Transfer.A new feature has been added, through which you can easily transfer payments or parts of them from one folio to another. You can find this functionality:
    • In the payment section of the folio screen
    • On the screen for group bills: "Arrivals/In hotel/Departures" - "Select Multiple" – "Transfer" option in the dropdown menu of the Folio button. A new 'All payments here' button has been added to the screen.
  • Transfer of Charges and Payments related to Expected Bookings. Option for searching the expected bookings when choosing a folio to transfer payments or charges to.
  • Discount. A new button has been added for quick calculation of a discount on the whole folio amount.
  • A new right to the use of the Manual Charge option has been added. It has been automatically granted to all the users having access to hotel accounts. On the User editing screen, you can find the right in the new 'Grant Rights – Folios' section.


  • Custom Text in Booking Confirmations.Apart from the standard information, now booking confirmations can also contain custom text, e.g. important notes or simply to pay special attention to your clients. The custom text is in a rich text format. Use the font, font sizes, etc. that best suit the booking confirmation style.

    In order to enter a custom text:

    • On a booking confirmation screen, click the 'Custom Text' button.
    • Fill in the text, format it as per your preferences and save it.
    • The custom text saved will appear in the confirmations of this booking. If you do not want this text to be included, access the field and delete the text.
  • You can also use this feature when sending confirmations of multiple bookings. These confirmations will contain all custom texts related to the bookings included. Enter the custom text desired in one of the bookings and it will be included in the group booking confirmation. In order to send a group confirmation containing a custom text:

    • Select the respective bookings from any of the booking search screens
    • Click the Confirmation button
    • Select 'Custom Text'. A screen opens on which you can edit the custom texts included in all the bookings selected
    • Enter the desired text in any of the bookings and save it
  • Housekeeping Report. Now it contains data of arrivals and the number of nights related to the checked-in bookings. This way you can plan the housekeeping department operations in greater detail.
  • For the hotels accepting bookings for years ahead – the calendars enable you to select periods of time which are up to6 years ahead.
  • Booking Advanced Search – the bookings' and profiles' notes have been added. The filters on the screen have been re-arranged in a more logical and compact way. 

    Booking Search - notes


  • The transfers report issue related to the fact that the report did not work, if data of adults and children was missing, has been fixed.
  • The editing issue with the expired blocks has been fixed.
  • The registration cards did not get marked as completed upon their signing.
  • Upon transfer to a new company folio, the name of the new folio was not taken into consideration.
  • The old invoices are migrated to the new types of documents.
  • Upon deletion of a rate, associated with a company, it was impossible to access the company itself
  • The amounts pertaining to payments in JPY contained two extra digits
  • The Tax Report also contained the voided folios.
  • On the Room Calendar screen, the orange suggestion button is hidden, as it interfered with the work process
  • The links in the Charge Summary Report to the Charge Control Report did not work, when a company was used in the segmentation.
  • When adding a new registration card to a booking, the screen moved up.
  • The problem related to the possibility of duplicating bookings from the WRS, when guaranteed by credit card, has been fixed.
  • Booking – the company creation button did not work in certain cases
  • The users only having the "Cashier Closure: Close anybody" right can now generate the Cashier Closure report pertaining to their operations in the system too.

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