BookDirect Extra Services

Modified on: Tue, 11 Mar, 2025 at 2:06 PM


Through this section, you control which (if any) extra services you are going to offer on the BookDirect and how those should be calculated

Once you click on WRS Charge Templates you will be taken to the list with Charge Templates and you can select which ones to be offered on the WRS and how should they be calculated. Additionally, you can decide how these services will be sorted through WRS Charge Templates - Sorting.

  • (1) - select to publish on the WRS
  • (2) - select if the service should be posted per day. If you don't select his option the service will be booked just on the arrival date.

Note: Settings (1) and (2)  are also used by the MyBooking Portal, in case the "Request Extra Services" option is activated. All other settings are only applicable to BookDirect.

  • (3) - select it to allow this service to be booked for specific day/dates of the stay and not the default options - per day of stay or just on arrival date. In combination, select Allow on Arrival and/or Allow on Departure to allow selecting the arrival and departure dates as well.
  • (4) - select how it should be calculated - Per Room; Per Guest; Per Adult; Per Child.

Note: If you select Per Guest, Per Adult, or Per Child, guests will be able to select how many they wish to book. For example, if the "Bike Rental" service is set to "Per Guest", and there are 3 guests in the booking, the guest will be able to choose whether they want to book one, two or three bikes. 

  • (5) - if you do not wish to offer this service to guests that have booked a specific rate - for example, you don't want to offer breakfast to guests that have booked a Bed & Breakfast rate, you can select the rates for which this service will be excluded.

Service Groups Merchandising

Offering extra services to your guests is a great way to enhance their stay and boost your revenue. However, when the list of available services becomes too long, it can overwhelm guests and reduce the likelihood of them selecting additional options. That’s where Service Groups come in.

With Service Groups, you can categorize and group related services—such as spa treatments, dining options, or room upgrades—into compact, easy-to-navigate sections. Each group is presented with a gallery and description, making it visually appealing and simple for guests to explore all the available options.

To organize additional services in Book Direct in Service Groups:

  • Navigate to Settings -> Charge Templates. From the 'More' menu, select WRS Service Groups. There is a link to the same settings in Book Direct Settings -> WRS Extra Services -> WRS Service Groups.

  • Add a new Group by filling in the name.
  • Once added, you can add pictures for it to display as a gallery in Book Direct. Pictures are added from the Groups list - with the button opposite each group.
  • For each group you can add translations and descriptions for the supported languages - All Settings -> Content -> Common Translations -> WRS Service Group.
  • Finally, you need to set a Service Group for the Services you sell through the WRS. Navigate to -> Settings - Charge Templates -> WRS Extra Services -> Group (6). Set the group to only those services you wish to group. Save! 
  • Services without a group will appear in Book Direct as before - alone in the list.
  • In the list in Book Direct, all Groups are presented first, then the services without groups.
  • If you wish to change the order of the Groups, you can do so from Settings -> Charge Templates -> More -> WRS Service Groups - Sorting.

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